The Vale of Glamorgan's Premier Lifestyle Magazine

The Glow Within Clinic, Porthcawl

Having launched her new business at her beautiful home-based clinic in Porthcawl, owner Sarah Gardner is literally glowing with excitement. Vale Life popped in to find out more.
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Sarah Gardner is our cover star for autumn 2023. The Glow Within Clinic is her new venture and we’re as excited as she is. One of the great benefits of publishing Vale Life is we keep meeting inspirational women. We met with Sarah at her beautiful home in Porthcawl to find out more.

Please tell us a little about your background and what inspired you to start your business…
I have always been interested in skin and body treatments and wanted to look at alternatives to surgical and injectables treatments. I trained in beauty twenty-three years ago but gave this up to support my husband’s business and raise our son. I then went on to do a HR degree and I started my own HR consultancy. Although successful, I was never really fulfilled in this role and revaluated over the lockdown period.

I felt there was a gap in the market, and I started my research two years ago. I chose Jan Marini as it is a science backed skincare range and they have been established a long time and their customer reviews are five star – I have seen the results myself. The Brazilian Booty lift again is one that attracted my attention – they are an established company that offer so many treatments from just one machine. I love that I can offer so many non-surgical treatments for customers that have issues with a mummy tummy, cellulite and those who want to lift their booty.

When it comes to oral health and aesthetics, I wanted to look at a more of a natural approach rather than bleach when it comes to whitening your teeth. I have had my teeth whitened and have always had such sensitive teeth after with laser teeth whitening you get no sensitivity or pain.

Finally, I can’t wait to offer laser hair removal. I have had this treatment before but wanted to find a machine that was suitable for all skin types including tanned skin and I have found one; a 3 Wavelength Diode and I am excited to start this treatment from December.

In a nutshell, what kind of treatments will you be offering?

Glow Up Facials

Make your skin glow – cleanse, steam facial, extraction, dermaplaning, microdermabrasion, micro-needling and luxury mask.

Jan Marini Skin Care
Developed by dermatologists; Jan Marini Skin Research has been pioneering medical-grade skincare since 1994. Their multi-award-winning products and systems deliver proven, effective and fast-acting results to treat a variety of skin concerns including acne, rosacea and unwanted redness, signs of ageing, fine lines, wrinkles, pigmentation and more. This comprehensive system incorporates vitamin C, peptides, growth factors, AHA and BHA exfoliators, hydrators. Readers can find out more at

Jan Marini Facial
This is a resurfacing enzyme facial, dermaplaning, steam facial, extraction, mask to treat a variety of skin concerns.

Jan Marini 40% and 70% Medical Face Peels

Benefits by reducing fine lines and wrinkles, combats acne, reduces pigmentation, redness, improves texture, and promotes skin cell turnover.

BBL Body Medii
Sculpt-contouring all areas of the body – this four-stage treatment combines fat busting LED laser light therapy with ultrasonic cavitation, radio frequency and vacuum suction. The LED light therapy works by stimulating the fat cells, causing a change in the permeability of the cell membrane. The cells are then broken down further using ultrasonic cavitation, causing the cell to burst and its contents to spill out into the body. Radio frequency then helps to tighten and tone the skin to give the appearance of firmer and smoother skin.

The triglycerides (liquidised fat) are then repositioned using our vacuum suction to contour and sculpt the body the machine has micro vacuum pulses, 180 Degree twist for explosive cellulite treatments, and stretch mark removal. This machine can reduce fat in a specific area of the body such a mummy tummy, booty lift, adds volume and plumpness to the booty and can lift the breast. No discomfort, no down time and visible results!

BBL Face Contouring, Skin Rejuvenation Facial

The Brazilian Facial Lift is one of the most popular treatments provided by the Medii Sculpt machine. It utilises ultrasonic cavitation, Quad polar radio frequency, and vacuum suction to target stubborn areas of fat, while also providing anti-ageing benefits and boosting lymphatic drainage. The hand pieces used in this treatment are specially designed for facial contouring, and they can help you remove unwanted fat from your face and chin, sculpt and contour your face, and improve your facial definition.

The Brazilian Facial Lift is a non-surgical, non-invasive treatment option with no downtime, meaning you can return to your daily activities immediately after treatment. With ongoing treatments, this treatment can significantly slow down the ageing process, contour, tighten, sculpt, and define your facial features, leaving you feeling and looking your best version of yourself.

Laser Teeth Whitening
This is a self-administered laser teeth whitening 45 mins session (very straightforward). Naturawhite state that discolouration of teeth can come from extrinsic, intrinsic and internalised factors. The gels work to remove all stains from the teeth, no matter how deep-rooted they are. Naturawhite gels are made up of molecules which are triggered by heat and light, thus speeding up the process combined the effects of Carbomer, Potassium Citrate, Propylene Glycol and Hydroxyapatite to whiten and strengthen teeth, without pain or sensitivity.

Laser Hair Removal (coming December)
Medical grade hair removal laser machine, all skin types, painless!

Who are your ideal clients?
All women from the age of eighteen upwards and men too! There’s really no upper age limit.

Do you offer home visits or consultations?
All consultations have to be carried out in clinic.

Have you been trained? Do you have any qualifications?
NVQ level 3, VTCT laser and IPL hair removal Level 4, facials and skin care, and body contouring level 3. You’re in good hands.

What do you love about what you do?

I love that I can make difference – nothing makes me happier than to see my clients so happy with their results, whether it’s their skin, contouring, teeth or hair removal.

What do you believe will set you apart from others?
I have been researching the market for the last two years. It’s in my nature to be thorough and research things properly. I wanted to offer the best non-surgical options to my clients. I wanted to see the results myself before offering them as treatment and I have done that. The machines, and skin care range that I am offering, is not to my knowledge being offered in my area and the results speak for themselves!

Do you offer finance? How do you accept payment?
Bank transfers, online via Fresha.

We can tell you’re super excited…
I am. All the hard work has come to fruition, and I’ve had huge support from family, friends and the industry. It has really inspired me. So, massive thanks to everyone. Hope to see you in clinic.

What clients’ say…

I had the Jan Marini medical facial peel and all I can say is wow! Sarah was amazing and explained everything first. The salon is beautiful, and the results are fantastic. My skin is glowing like it never has before, I will definitely have this facial again!  Highly recommend! Thank you Sarah x

Highly recommend teeth whitening. My teeth are six shades lighter after one session. Salon was beautiful and Sarah was so helpful – can’t wait to return and try other treatments.


The Glow Within Clinic
The Chalet, Elm Road, Porthcawl CF36 5AG
07812 375 070

Opening times
Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday 10am – 8pm
Friday 10am – 3pm

Social media channels
I www.instagram@theglowwithinclinic

Check out Sarah’s launch party photographs in the latest issue!
Click here They’re on pages 94 and 95.