The Vale of Glamorgan's Premier Lifestyle Magazine

Michael Morgan: My Lockdown Life

, / 2087

Michael Morgan is a Director of Vale Solicitors Advocates & Mediators and also an Independent Vale of Glamorgan Councillor. He lives in Peterston-super-Ely with his wife Clare, daughter Izzie, son Hugo and their animal family including dogs, cats, a donkey, a goat and various horses and ponies. Here he shares his  thoughts on lockdown life.

Can you work? Are you having to work right now?
I continue to work every day – Solicitors involved in the preparation of wills are designated by the government as key workers and we are also required to attend police interviews. It does however feel strange entering a police station wearing a mask, or witnessing a will over a client’s garden gate.

The Vale Council are operating under emergency powers so there are no formal meetings but I am still on hand as a councillor either by phone, internet or in the socially distant queue at the village shop. My wife is a school teacher and is back at work looking after the children of front line workers.

If you are staying at home, what are you doing to keep yourself occupied? How are you coping?
Much to my wife’s delight I have converted our dining room into my office and have learned the delights of Zoom. The dogs are getting longer walks but they miss ending up at the pub. I have arranged home deliveries of locally brewed beer and cider for them.

Do you find the situation stressful?
I worry for all the small businesses particularly my friends who run pubs and shops. These businesses are the lifeblood of our communities and I do hope that when this is over we will all support them

My son is missing his friends and my daughter should be enjoying the end of her second year in University. She is preparing for the birth of her horse’s second foal in a few weeks which gives us all something happy to focus on.

The Pandemic has been a severe blow for all the good folk involved in our big and small local events:  no Vale of  Glamorgan Show, no Cardiff Open Air Theatre, no Peterston Village Flower Show (the challenge of the Men’s Cookery Competition is one of the highlights of my year).

My hobby is Amateur Dramatics and I was due to be Colonel Mustard with  Red Herring Theatre in Clue on Stage at the Penarth Pier Pavillion. We are determined that the show will go on eventually – so stay tuned!

Vale Solicitors Advocates & Mediators
Facebook @valesolicitors
01446 792535

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