The Vale of Glamorgan's Premier Lifestyle Magazine

From The Ridiculous To The Sublime

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Okay, so not being able to have a hair cut in a salon for the last sixteen weeks hasn’t been the be all and end all when all things are considered but, as every woman would admit, your hair is your crowning glory. I feel like my hair style defines me in a way. I like my short, pixie crop style. I’m a no fuss kinda gal and it suits my lifestyle. I went to a friend’s house recently and her immediate reaction to me was “OMG look at your hair. You look like you could work in a bank. Really boring. You’ve lost your identity!” It’s okay. We’re good friends. It was said with love and I took it that way. Mark has also remarked on how much more I look like my mum too and, while I love my mum dearly, I’m not ready to look like her just yet!

Jennifer Hobbs-Roberts Green Door
Covid hair…

So, when Vanessa, owner of Sublime Hair and Beauty in the village of Rhoose contacted me with my hair appointment date and time, I since been counting down the days. At 9am, I and one other lady were waiting outside ready to be called into the salon. We were the first appointments for the salon. She looked as trepidatious as me! What could we expect? Would I be offered a drink? Could I read my trashy mags? Would I have to wear a face mask throughout? Will having my hair done be an enjoyable experience or an anxiety-riddled affair?

So, what happened?
We were greeted by one of the staff members who was fully kitted out in the appropriate PPE, as were all of the staff, including Ernest the salon mascot! As we got inside, we were asked to sanitise our hands at the allocated bar area. As the wearing of masks is optional, I chose not to wear one as I’d already had Covid. The other client wore one and kept it on throughout as did the staff. We were covered in a plastic covering for extra protection.

We were taken to the backwash which had a dividing Perspex sheet between the two backwashes. We were then led to our respective chairs. Both at each ends of the salon. Vanessa, as always, was totally professional and made sure I was comfortable and safe. My visits to Sublime are always fairly quick, as Vanessa knows that I’m always short on time, and I appreciate that. This visit was equally, if not a bit shorter in the circumstances. We managed to still enjoy our chat. We covered most topics! We still had a laugh.

The infamous Ernest…

How have things been for Vanessa?
Vanessa told me how hard it has been throughout the sixteen week lockdown. As she, and many people in business, (including Vale Life) are classed as a micro business, we have been exempted from any financial help from the Government. She has had to spend £2k on PPE paraphernalia to make sure the salon is clean and safe and has made no money in the time she’s been unable to open. She now has a waiting list as long as your arm for clients clamouring to get their hair cut. She cannot colour for now as she has such a backlog so can only cut, but clients are grateful for this and are prepared to wait. It’s doubtful whether she’ll make that lost revenue up so will have to put up her costs a bit to cover this which is completely reasonable.

Vanessa has been asked throughout lockdown if she could cut at clients’ homes, but she has, quite rightly, refused as this would be against the rules. She could have made a killing here but says that she wanted to do things the right way.

jennifer Hobbs-Roberts Woodland
My hair post Covid/Sublime hair…

Are walk-ins permitted?
Walk-ins are not allowed for fear of crowding the salon space, so everyone must make an appointment either via phone, or Facebook. Everyone is asked to arrive on time and no friends or family members can come with you.

How was my experience?
Overall, I was surprised at how relaxed I felt. Any apprehension I may have felt before quickly disappeared and, even though it was weird seeing them all fully PPE’d, it felt kind of “normal”. Okay, so I didn’t get to read my mags or get a decaf but that’s a small price to pay for a much-needed cut.

I’m so grateful for my appointment and delighted with my new cut. I’m now back on the list for my next trim. Hopefully, by then, I’ll be able to have a colour; while I’ve been making do with boxes from the local Chemist, nothing beats a salon colour, especially one from Vanessa who is the authority on colouring in the area.

If you’re anxious about your salon visit, don’t be. Everything will be fine. You’ll be in safe hands.

Sublime Hair and Beauty
4 Steward Road
Rhoose CF62 3EZ
01446 711799

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