The Vale of Glamorgan's Premier Lifestyle Magazine

Let’s Talk Gluten

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Gluten – the devil’s food or misunderstood? Gluten undoubtedly has a bad reputation, but does it deserve the slandering it gets? We asked Natural Therapist Angharad Evans, from Penarth to explain more.

20190923_194210What is gluten?
Gluten is a natural protein found in foods such as bread, pasta, cracker, oats, processed meats such as sausage. It’s typically associated with baked goods and if you’re a keen baker, or an avid Bake Off fan, you’ll know that the volume of gluten within a loaf, really impacts the taste and texture.

What is the problem with gluten?
Tasty baked goods aside, gluten can cause havoc to our digestive systems. People can experience symptoms such as bloating, abdominal pain, bowel problems, headaches, brain fog, tiredness, skin problems, panic attacks and unexplained weight loss.

Mixed fruits and vegetables at organic fairWhy are some people intolerant?
Celiac Disease is a debilitating auto immune condition. When a celiac digests gluten the immune system attacks the villi of the small intestine because it is mistaking the gluten as a foreign body. The villi can’t carry out their work of absorbing the nutrients from food. Which results in a whole host of horrible symptoms, making that tasty loaf, become more of a blocker to their wellbeing.

Having a gluten intolerance is different, as the resulting symptoms are very much milder in comparison to those living with Celiac Disease.

What is a gluten free diet?
It’s what it says on the tin, this diet involves the removal of gluten. For individuals living with Celiac Disease, or those who are have a gluten intolerance, omitting gluten is a sure way of avoiding debilitating symptoms.

Is it a good idea to follow a gluten free diet?
Do you feel good on the diet you’re eating now? Do you feel energised, is your mind and concentration sharp and you’re not overweight? If so, carry on! However, if you’re not feeling so good, then it may be worth looking at your diet. Is eating toast for breakfast, a sandwich for lunch and pasta for tea a typical day’s diet for you? If so, it may be worth reducing your gluten intake.

It’s also interesting to note that many people, when in France and eat bread from a patisserie, find that they do not have digestive issues. It may be worth reconsidering the quality of bread you’re eating?

  • Also, people find that cooking with white spelt flour is beneficial. People who feel uncomfortable after eating gluten often find that they can tolerate white spelt flour.
  • I increasingly find in my testing of clients who have ligament issues are also gluten intolerant.
  • Pets, especially dogs are very often gluten intolerant and pet food usually contains gluten. It may be an idea
    to seek out gluten free pet food for your pet.


Angharad Evans
Therapïau Naturiol Angharad
Natural Therapies by Angharad

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